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The Trinity Doctrine ...

There are three reasons this website is necessary:

First, because of widespread confusion among Christians about the meaning of the word “Trinity”;

Second, to correct widespread false teaching about the Trinity;

And third, to make every Christian’s testimony to the faith clearer, so the one, true God may be glorified.

Part I

Addresses the confusion prevailing among Christians—including theologians—about the actual meaning of the Trinity Doctrine.

Part II

Lists many of the scriptural proofs of the Trinity cited in modern websites of churches and Christian schools. These verses are almost always cited without explanation, but we take the time here to examine them one by one and explore their meaning.

Part III

Resolves the questions and gives the Christian a straightforward, clear footing for answering questions about the Trinity. The important question is not “What is the Trinity?” but “Who is God?” To answer that question clearly, the word “Trinity” is best left out of the conversation.

The author of this website is not in the employ of any church or church council, so he is not afraid of losing his livelihood by stepping on some toes. And this website steps on a lot of toes—deliberately. The goal here is to bring proper worship to Almighty God, not to satisfy a committee.

Prayers for April 2024

Pray that God would open the eyes of clergy everywhere when they read the Bible–to see that the Trinity Doctrine is not there, and to see that they only create confusion when they try to speak about the Trinity.